| Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 19 (LENLS19)
| Dates: November 19(Sat), 20(Sun), and 21(Mon), 2022 |
- Daisuke Bekki (Ochanomizu University)
- Koji Mineshima (Keio University)
- Elin McCready (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Invited Speakers:
- Michael Moortgat (Utrecht University)
- Kohei Kishida (University of Illinois)
- Nayuta Miki (Osaka Universty)
Aim and topics
LENLS is an annual international conference on formal linguistics (i.e., syntax, semantics
and pragmatics), computational linguistics, the philosophy of language, and related fields, including but
not limited to the following:
- Formal syntax, semantics and pragmatics of natural language
- Model-theoretic and/or proof-theoretic semantics of natural language
- Computational approaches to semantics and pragmatics
- Nonclassical logic and its relation to natural language (especially substructural, fuzzy, categorical,
and topological logic)
- Formal philosophy of language
- Scientific methodology and/or experimental design in linguistics
We are happy to announce that from this year, LENLS will be held under the umbrella of The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI). LENLS19 is scheduled to take place in a hybrid format, that is, with both a physical presence option in Tokyo and a virtual presence option via zoom, while monitoring the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Selected Papers
The collection of full papers will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, in accordance with the contract between Springer Nature Switzerland AG and The Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI).
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Important dates:Abstract submission deadline | : | Wed, Sep. 7, 2022 (extended) | Notification of acceptance | : | Sat, Oct. 1, 2022 | Deadline for author registration | : | Fri. Oct. 14, 2022 | Deadline for online registration | : | Tue. Nov. 15, 2022 | Deadline for the revised abstract | : | Fri, Oct. 28, 2022 | LENLS19 | : | Nov. 19-21, 2022 | Deadline for full papers | : | Dec. 15, 2022 |
The registration for on-site participation is closed due to the limited number of participants at the venue. Only the registration for virtual participation is available via the link below. The zoom link will be shared only among the registered participants.
https://forms.gle/WgmYvoqv42CSJSWK7Deadline: November 15, 2022 23:59 (JST)
Online Proceedings
Download from here.
1st Day: November 19 (Sat)
9:50-10:00 Opening remark
10:00-11:30 (Chair: Yoshiki Mori)
- David Yoshikazu Oshima
"The semantic markedness of the Japanese negative preterite: Non-existence of (positive) eventualities vs. existence of negative eventualities"
- Misato Ido
"Semantic Properties of the Japanese Emphatic Minimizer 'NP-no-kakera' Based on the Modal Base"
- Victor Carranza Pinedo
"Slurs' variability, emotional dimensions and game-theoretic pragmatics"
13:30-15:00 (Chair: David Yoshikazu Oshima)
- Eri Tanaka and Kenta Mizutani
"Granularity in number and polarity effects"
- Shinnosuke Isono, Takuya Hasegawa, Kohei Kajikawa, Koichi Kono, Shiho Nakamura and Yohei Oseki
"Formalizing argument structures with Combinatory Categorial Grammar"
- Shinya Okano
"Detecting modality and evidentiality: Against purely temporal-aspectual analyses of the German semi-modal drohen"
15:30-17:00 (Chair: Hitomi Hirayama)
- Linmin Zhang
"Cumulative reading, QUD, and maximal informativeness"
- Liping Tang
"Language politeness in social network"
- Hajime Mori
"The Absence of NOR in Japanese"
17:15-18:15 Invited talk (Chair: Daisuke Bekki)
- Michael Moortgat
"End-to-End Compositional Modelling of Vector-Based Semantics"
2nd Day: November 20 (Sun)
10:00-11:30 (Chair: Shinya Okano)
- Satoru Suzuki
"Measurement Theory Meets Mereology in Multidimensionality in Resemblance Nominalism"
- Yusuke Kubota and Robert Levine
"Extraction pathway marking as proof structure marking"
- Alastair Butler
"Constraining parse ambiguity with grammatical codes"
13:30-15:00 (Chair: David Yoshikazu Oshima)
- Youyou Cong
"In Search of a Type Theory for Fuzzy Properties"
- Akiyoshi Tomihari and Hitomi Yanaka
"Logical Inference System with Text-to-Image Generation for Phrase Abduction"
- Hayate Funakura
"Answers, Exhaustivity, and Presupposition of wh-questions in Dependent Type Semantics"
15:30-17:00 (Chair: Koji Mineshima)
- Masanobu Toyooka
"A Proof-Theoretic Analysis of Meaning of a Formula in a Combination of Intuitionistic and Classical Propositional Logic"
- Roussanka Loukanova
"Logic Operators and Quantifiers in Type-Theory of Algorithms"
- Philippe de Groote
"Deriving formal semantic representations from dependency structures"
17:15-18:15 Invited talk (Chair: Daisuke Bekki)
- Kohei Kishida
"Modal Reasoning and Theorizing in Quantified Modal Logic"
3rd Day: November 21 (Mon)
10:00-11:30 (Chair: Hitomi Hirayama)
- Chungmin Lee
"Factivity Alternation Types and Compensatory Prosodic Focus Marking"
- Kei Yoshimoto, Joseph Tabolt, Zhen Zhou, Hiromi Kaji and Tamami Shimada
"The Discourse Function of Aspect in Japanese"
- Masaya Taniguch and Satoshi Tojo
"Left-branching tree in CCG with D combinator"
13:30-15:00 (Chair: Kei Yoshimoto)
- Junya Fukuta and Koji Shimamura
"To be Canceled, or Not to be Canceled: Reconsidering the Caused Possession in the Dative Alternation Experimentally"
- Oleg Kiselyov and Haruki Watanabe
"Events and Relative Clauses"
- Shimpei Endo
"Truthmaker Semantics for Degreeism of Vagueness"
15:30-17:00 (Chair: Naoya Fujikawa)
- Simon Goldstein and John Hawthorne
"KK is Wrong Because We Say So"
- Dan Zeman
"Three Rich-Lexicon Theories of Slurs: A Comparison"
- David Strohmaier and Simon Wimmer
"Contrafactives and learnability"
17:15-18:15 Invited talk (Chair: Koji Mineshima)
- Nayuta Miki
"Gricean Pragmatics According to Himself"
18:00-18:10 Closing remark
LENLS is being organized by an alliance of "AI systems that can explain by language based on knowledge and reasoning" project (Grant Number JPMJCR20D2), funded by JST CREST Programs "Core technologies for trusted quality AI systems."
Conference Code of Conduct
All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers at our conference are required to adhire to the following code of conduct. Organisers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everyone.
The Quick Version
The organizers are dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, or religion (or lack thereof). We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, parties, and social media. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the organisers.
The Less Quick Version
Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, and religion (or lack thereof), as well as sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
Participants asked to stop harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the conference organisers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the conference without a refund.
If you experience harassment, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact the following conference staff members immediately: Elin McCready and Daisuke Bekki
THe conference staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference. We value your attendance.
We expect participants to follow these rules at conference and workshop venues as well as conference-related social events.
Program Committee:- Daisuke Bekki (Ochanomizu University)
- Alastair Butler (Hirosaki University)
- Patrick D. Elliott (Heinrich-Heine University of Dusseldorf)
- Naoya Fujikawa (University of Tokyo)
- Yurie Hara (Hokkaido University)
- Robert Henderson (University of Arizona)
- Hitomi Hirayama (Keio University)
- Magdalena Kaufmann (University of Connecticut)
- Koji Mineshima (Keio University)
- Elin McCready (Aoyama Gakuin University)
- Yoshiki Mori (University of Tokyo)
- David Y. Oshima (Nagoya University)
- Katsuhiko Sano (Hokkaido University)
- Osamu Sawada (Kobe University)
- Ribeka Tanaka (Ochanomizu University)
- Wataru Uegaki (University of Edinburgh)
- Katsuhiko Yabushita (Naruto University of Education)
- Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University)
- Shunsuke Yatabe (Ochanomizu University)
- Kei Yoshimoto (Tohoku University)
Local Organizers:- Yoshiki Mori (University of Tokyo)
- Ribeka Tanaka (Ochanomizu University)
- Yuta Takahashi (Ochanomizu University)
Contact:lenls19[[at]]easychair.org |